Click here to check out our Pride Week 2024 working schedule!

Who are we?

Active since 1997 and incorporated in 2012, Fierté Sudbury Pride (FSP) is a not for profit community based organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and celebrating the 2SLGBTQ+ population of the City of Greater Sudbury. We foster understanding and diversity by showcasing 2SLGBTQ+ culture at events such as art shows, festivals, and concerts. We aim to provide services free of stigma and discrimination for everyone, regardless of religion, creed, race, gender or sexual orientation.

Qui sommes-nous?

Fierté Sudbury Pride est le premier organisme de défense des droits de la communauté LGBTQ+ à desservir le Nord de l’Ontario. Actifs depuis 1997, nous appuyons, représentons et célébrons la communauté LGBTQ+ du Grand Sudbury. Nous cherchons à célébrer la diversité de notre milieu en offrant une vitrine à la culture LGBTQ+ par le biais d’activités tels que des festivals, des tables rondes et des projets d’engagement communautaire. Nous cherchons à créer des espaces libres de discrimination et de stigmatisation où tous peuvent se sentir chez eux.

2021 Annual Report

It goes without saying that this has been another very weird year for Fierté Sudbury Pride and for the queer community as a whole: fatigue, uncertainty, and isolation continued to weigh heavily on our team. Nevertheless, we survived and are poised to make a spectacular comeback in 2022!

Click on the thumbnail image to read the full report! (Disponible en anglais seulement)